Friday, February 4, 2011

A Day in the life.

I didn't really know how to begin our family blog, so I decided to copy a childhood friend of mine whose blog I read and do a day in the life of the Lovelands. The day I happened to pick was more exciting than most, but still typical.
5:30am - I am already up and cooking Jared breakfast before he leaves for work. I usually take this time to let Bandit out, pick up his food and water so JR doesn't get into it when he wakes up, and I usually do the dishes.
5:50am - Jared finished getting ready for work. I usually have started the car for him and let Bandit back into the house.
6:00am - I am totally back in bed and praying as I fall asleep that JR continues the sleeping-in phase that he has been going through. But usually Bandit starts getting antsy to go out again around 9:30 and will jump on and off the bed until I get up to let him out.
9:45am - After I let Bandit out and use the restroom I usually start JR's breakfast because by now he has woken up to the sound of me and Bandit. After I get Jr and change his diaper it is time to eat while watching Sesame Street.
11:00am - I am in the shower by now and even though I usually put on another Sesame Street or cartoon, JR usually ends up hanging in the bathroom reading a book or looking at my lotion collection under the sink.

11:45am - Finally dressed for the day!
12:30pm - This day we went with JR's aunt Jennifer (Jareds oldest sister) and her son Keldon (about 6months younger than JR) to the mall.

1:00pm - JR had a happy meal and aunt Jenn shared a cookie with him.
2:15pm - We went downstairs to the play area and let JR and Keldon get all their energy out!
3:15pm - We got home and JR went down for a much needed nap while I got the mail and let Bandit out of his kennel.
4:30pm - By the time JR woke up Jared was home from doing a little overtime at work. Jared always says JR flips out when I leave and is only excited when I come home, but the first thing he did when he saw Jared was crawl across his lap to see him!
Although we are going to a birthday party tonight the rest of our days are usually filled with dinner, baths and family time!

Can't wait to blog more! This is fun! Stay tuned for my other blog about my misadveentures of trying to be a housewife, supermom, crafter, maid and part-time job holder to be launched soon!

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