Friday, April 15, 2011


I had JR's hair cut kind of short and spikey around his birthday last year.
After a couple of days I vowed to never do it again.
It's not just the fact that he loses that "baby" look, it's the fact that his longer hair actually really suits him and just adds to the cuteness!
Anyway, I got his hair cut again today and I am about ready to make the same vow again.
What do you think?


OK, he is still cute, I am just saying I know for sure now how I prefer his hair.

Another question for you you think it is SUPER pathetic that my camera phone that I took the "After" pictures with takes better quality photos in good light than my actual camera does? The "Before" pictures were just a couple of shots from JR's birthday on my little digital camera and I have to say that those crappy shots were some of the better ones I got that day! Sad huh?

1 comment:

  1. He looks a lot older with the hair cut, but still cute. I do love his suspender and cat in the hat t-shirt. Did you make that?
