Tuesday, June 14, 2011

5 'clock shadow

So I guess I have been kind of absent on the blog as of late. But let's face it, our lives are not that exciting. Anyway, I will try to fix that and be better about blogging this summer and post lots of cute pictures of JR, which is the only reason anyone reads this at all.

So lets get to the main event: JR's first shave!

The other day Jared was starting to shave and JR was standing in the bathroom watching him with fascination so Jared decided he would teach JR how to shave.

Lathering up...

 A little resistance...

Finally, no more stuble!

I think he mostly wanted to splash in the water. He was eyeing it the whole time...

Daddy even gave JR a little Axe spritz when all was said and done...

What a stylin' little dude!
Pictures from the park to come soon, I promise!

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